Category Archives: Peru

Short-Term Visas: A Country-by-Country Overview

This article provides an overview of various countries’ short-term visa options for temporary assignments. Belgium Under Belgian law, there are several work permit exemptions for short-term assignments.  One is the Vander Elst exemption: if some conditions are met, no work permit is required for non-EEA (European Economic Area = European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) […]

Entrepreneurs & Investors: A Country-by-Country Overview

This article provides an overview of how various countries attract entrepreneurs and what types of immigrant investment programs exist.  INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON CHART. The authors thank Henley & Partners for allowing ABIL to reprint its chart. Belgium Belgium does not have specific immigrant investment programs.  As a general rule, entrepreneurs and investors need a permit before […]

ABIL Members Published Country-by-Country Comparison of Immigration Benefits for Same-Sex and Domestic Partners

ABIL Members published an overview of immigration benefits for same-sex and/or domestic partners in various countries. This article provides an overview of immigration benefits available for same-sex spouses and/or domestic partners in fifteen countries. The article is limited to immigration-related issues and does not cover the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender individuals in […]

PERU: New Law to Regularize Residence of Foreigners in Irregular Immigration Status

A new law establishes a procedure to regularize the residence of foreigners who are in irregular immigration status. On November 8, 2013, Law No. 30103 was published in the Official Gazette of Peru. The new law establishes a procedure to regularize the immigration status of foreign nationals who entered Peruvian territory before January 1, 2012. […]

PERU: Amendments have been made recently to Peruvian immigration rules.

Changes do not often occur in Peruvian immigration law, but there have been some recent modifications to certain aspects of immigration proceedings and requirements by the Peruvian Immigration Administrative Authority concerning visa processes for foreign nationals. Legislative Decree  No. 1130 has created a new immigration Peruvian authority based on the former authority known as “DIGEMIN” […]

PERU: Clarification in Scope of Some Peruvian Immigration Rules

Changes do not occur often in Peruvian immigration law. Recently, however, a few notable changes took place. One change concerns the modification of articles 358 to 378 of the Peruvian Consular Rules that was approved by Supreme Decree No. 091-2011-RE at the end of July 2011, in coordination with amendments to the Peruvian Aliens Law […]