Category Archives: News

ABIL Members Published Country-by-Country Comparison of Immigration Benefits for Same-Sex and Domestic Partners

ABIL Members published an overview of immigration benefits for same-sex and/or domestic partners in various countries. This article provides an overview of immigration benefits available for same-sex spouses and/or domestic partners in fifteen countries. The article is limited to immigration-related issues and does not cover the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender individuals in […]

TURKEY: Law on Foreigners and International Protection Takes Effect in One Year

On April 11, 2013, the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (Law No. 6458) was published in the official gazette of Turkey and is set to go into effect in one year. This new law will make vast changes to residence permit eligibility and procedure, and create a new governmental office. Initial information has been […]

CHINA: Continues to Tighten its Immigration Enforcement

As we step further into 2013, China continues to reveal more measures addressing the illegal employment of foreign nationals. According to an interpretation of labor laws issued by the Supreme People’s Court of China, as of February 1, 2013, Chinese courts no longer recognize a “labor relationship” between an employer and a foreign national without […]


On June 1, ABIL presented a webinar on Global Immigration Compliance. In the current global business environment, the world is increasingly connected and companies are sending their employees across country boundaries more than ever. There are various issues to take into account when doing business overseas. Multiple countries have tightened their regulations for foreign employees […]

PERU: Amendments have been made recently to Peruvian immigration rules.

Changes do not often occur in Peruvian immigration law, but there have been some recent modifications to certain aspects of immigration proceedings and requirements by the Peruvian Immigration Administrative Authority concerning visa processes for foreign nationals. Legislative Decree  No. 1130 has created a new immigration Peruvian authority based on the former authority known as “DIGEMIN” […]

INDIA: Revised Tourist Visa Guidelines

The Ministry of Home Affairs recently revised the guidelines on tourist visas in a notification dated November 23, 2012, and published on December 4, 2012. The Indian government has lifted the two-month gap between two consecutive visits to India by foreign nationals. However, nationals of Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Bangladesh, foreigners of Pakistani […]

BELGIUM: Salary Threshold for Fast-Track Highly Skilled Work Permits

The highly skilled work permit is only available to employees whose annual gross salary exceeds a threshold.  This threshold has been noted in article 67 of the Belgian Employment Contracts Act.  Due to a major reform of this Act, article 67 has been abolished.  In practice, the authorities will for now (and probably for the […]

MEXICO: Changes in Mexican Immigration Law

Sixteen months after passage of the new Mexican Immigration Law, regulations were published in the Official Bulletin in Mexico on September 28, 2012. Implementation is expected soon. The new law involves significant changes to the current immigration regime. Main Points of the New Immigration Law – Provides three main groups of conditions of stay — […]

AUSTRALIA: Further Changes to Permanent Entry Employer-Nominated Program

The Australian government has announced a raft of changes to visa programs effective July 1, 2012. Changes to the employer nominated permanent residence visa program were outlined in the last ABIL Global Immigration Update. Changes to the General Skilled Independent visas and Business Skills visas are outlined below. SkillSelect As of July 1, 2012, the […]