Author Archives: ABIL

Entrepreneurs & Investors: A Country-by-Country Overview

This article provides an overview of how various countries attract entrepreneurs and what types of immigrant investment programs exist.  INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON CHART. The authors thank Henley & Partners for allowing ABIL to reprint its chart. Belgium Belgium does not have specific immigrant investment programs.  As a general rule, entrepreneurs and investors need a permit before […]

News from the Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers Vol. 10, No. 8B • August 15, 2014

Headlines: 1. DOS Makes ‘Significant Progress’ in Bringing Visa Processing Back Online and Clearing Backlogs – DOS said it has caught up with issuances for most of the worldwide backlog of nonimmigrant visa cases and is working to bring the system back to full operational capacity. 2. CBP Announces New Mobile Passport Control App – The Mobile Passport Control […]

News from the Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers Vol. 10, No. 8A • August 01, 2014

Headlines: 1. Consular Visa/Passport System Crashes – The Department of State’s Consular Consolidated Database, used to print and approve visas and passports, has been having significant problems, including outages.  Backlogs have ensued. 2. August Visa Bulletin Shows Advances in China and ‘Other Workers’ EB-3 Preference Categories, India EB-2 Preference – Cut-off dates for the China-mainland born employment third preference, […]

CANADA: New Requirements for Specialized Knowledge Workers

Employers applying for work permits under the intra-company transfer stream (labour market opinion [LMO] exemption) must provide evidence of a qualifying relationship between the Canadian and foreign employer and evidence of the existence of a qualifying relationship between the employer and the temporary foreign worker. Additionally, the prospective temporary foreign worker must qualify under one […]

ABIL Members Published Country-by-Country Comparison of Immigration Benefits for Same-Sex and Domestic Partners

ABIL Members published an overview of immigration benefits for same-sex and/or domestic partners in various countries. This article provides an overview of immigration benefits available for same-sex spouses and/or domestic partners in fifteen countries. The article is limited to immigration-related issues and does not cover the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender individuals in […]

News from the Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers Vol. 10, No. 7B • July 15, 2014

Headlines: 1. White House Requests $3.7 Billion for Border Crisis – As the United States continues to grapple with an influx of undocumented children and others along the southern border, President Obama has requested a $3.7 billion supplemental appropriation to fund related activities. 2. EOIR Interim Rule Addresses ‘Largest Caseload’ in U.S. History With Temporary IJs – EOIR published […]

Immigration Insider News from the Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers Vol. 10, No. 7A • July 01, 2014

Headlines: 1. White House Announces Response to Increase in Unaccompanied Children, Families – On June 20, 2014, President Obama announced that he will take administrative action to correct parts of our broken immigration system.  In the meantime the President directed the start of a government-wide response to an increase in unaccompanied children entering the United States from […]

SOUTH AFRICA: Major Changes in Immigration Law and Regulations

There have been major changes in South African immigration law and regulations. The 2007 and 2011 Amendments to the Immigration Act, 2002, along with a revised set of regulatory provisions, took effect May 26, 2014, along with the appointment of a new Minister of Home Affairs.  There are significant technical shortcomings in the regulations.  As […]