The 10 Things Trump Has Done Without Legislation

In the year since President Trump’s inauguration there have been consistent attacks on immigration, according to the Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers (ABIL). ABIL lawyers Cyrus Mehta and Greg Siskind have narrowed down these attacks to 10, and also provided practice pointers on how to assist.

In a January 25 teleconference, ABIL lawyers Cyrus Mehta and Greg Siskind discussed 10 things that President Trump has done without legislation to target legal and undocumented immigration in the county. Radical immigration reform was a major focus of Trump’s campaigning and remained under fire with consistent attacks in the first year of his presidency.

The 10 attacks include:

  1. Termination of Temporary Protected Status for several countries’ nationals
  2. Termination of the DACA program
  3. Imposing new, unwritten and unlawful requirements into the H-1B program
  4. Ignoring prior decisions of the agency when deciding new cases
  5. The continued enforcement of the Travel Ban
  6. The expected revocation of work cards for spouses of H-1B workers with pending green card applications
  7. Expected new restrictions on the ability of Immigration Judges to administratively close cases
  8. The new requirement to conduct in person interviews for all employment-based green card applications
  9. Punishing nationals of countries disfavored by the Trump Administration
  10. Changes to the Foreign Affairs Manual further restricting the ability to change visas within the US.

In the teleconference, Mehta and Siskind discuss the list, how certain legislation came to be and evolved, and also offer practice pointers on how immigration lawyers can assist.