ITALY: New Quotas for Apprenticeship and Intership Programs

The Italian government has released new quotas for apprenticeship and internship programs. Also, failure to report presence in Italy will now result in fines.

15,000 new quotas have been issued to allow non-EU nationals to come to Italy for apprenticeship and internship programs. This amount includes:

  • 7,500 quotas for those foreigners coming for apprenticeship programs organized by authorized institutions. Upon completion of the program, the foreigner will receive from the organizing entity a certificate showing the acquired skills;
  • 7,500 quotas for those foreigners coming for internships to complete a course of study in the home country.

Also, through Law no.161/2014, the Italian government has implemented changes to Italy’s Immigration Law (Decree no. 286/1998), mainly in relation to procedures for expulsions and repatriations of undocumented immigrants. The most significant change, which would mostly affect business visitors, is the introduction of a fine of €103 to €309 for foreigners who fail to declare their presence to the police within eight days of entry. Such report must be filed, for example, by non-visa nationals who enter Italy from another Schengen country and who are not staying in a hotel.