ITALY: Government Released New Quotas for Subordinate Work and Autonomous Work

The Italian government has released new quotas for subordinate work and autonomous work.

The Italian government has announced the issuance of 17,850 new quotas for subordinate work and autonomous work. Applications have been available online since December 23, 2014, but they can only be submitted once a decree is officially published and comes into force. One thousand quotas are available for individuals who have completed study courses in their home countries, and 2,400 quotas are available for the following autonomous work activities: (i) entrepreneurs carrying out activities of interest for the Italian economy; (ii) freelancers, including workers in skilled regulated professions (e.g., lawyers, doctors, architects), or in professions not regulated by professional registers or by corporative arrangements but nationally representative and included in Public Administration lists; (iii) officers and owners of non-cooperative companies; (iv) internationally known artists or artists with high professional qualifications employed by public or private organizations; and (v) individuals willing to set up innovative start-up companies (per law no. 221, December 17, 2012). Two thousand quotas have been allocated to individuals assigned to work at the Milan Expo 2015.

One hundred quotas for subordinate and autonomous work are reserved for individuals of Italian origin, with at least one Italian parent (up to third in line of direct ascendancy) residing in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, or Brazil.

12,350 quotas are for the conversion of existing permits into work permits. Among these, 6,000 quotas are for conversion of study/training permits into subordinate work permits; 1,050 quotas are for conversion of study/training permits into autonomous work permits; 4,050 quotas are for conversion of seasonal work permits into non-seasonal work permits; 1,000 quotas are for conversion of European Community (EC) long-term residence permits issued by other EU Member States into Italian subordinate work permits; and 250 quotas are for conversion of EC long-term residence permits issued by other EU Member States into Italian autonomous work permits.

As always, the quotas will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Online applications can be submitted until August 30, 2015, by registering on the website of the Ministry of Interior.