AUSTRALIA: Floods in Australia

The Federal Government announced on January 27, 2011, that it will fast-track 457 visa processing for workers engaged on rebuilding work in the wake of the devastating Queensland floods.

457 visa holders and eligibility for Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy

Centrelink is an Australian Government statutory agency that delivers a range of Commonwealth services to the Australian community. Centrelink has confirmed that 457 visa holders and other temporary visa holders who can demonstrate a loss of income from the recent floods in Australia may be eligible for the Disaster Income Recovery Subsidy.

Eligibility for a second 417 Working Holiday visa (WHV) based on flood damage clean-up work

Immigration authorities have advised that WHV holders may qualify for a second WHV visa if they volunteer or undertake paid work assisting in the clean-up of recent flood damage in a designated regional area of Australia. This excludes metropolitan Brisbane.