FRANCE: New Work Permit Forms Effective January 1, 2015

New work permit forms are effective January 1, 2015.

For new work permit forms effective January 1, 2015, the employer abroad, the host company in France, and the employee now must provide additional information, summarized below.

Information Required From the Home Company Abroad

a) Registration number or employer ID number of the home company and the name of the registration authority (e.g., the commercial registry and the chamber of commerce).

b) Date of creation of the company.

c) Name of the legal representative of the home company.

d) Main activity of the home company.

e) For intra-company transferees, website or weblink to the Internet page showing the link between the home company and the French host company plus the date of acquisition or date of creation of the French affiliate company.

f) For the international provision of services, the total cost of the services to be provided and the copy of the service agreement between the employer and the client in France.

g) In the absence of a social security bilateral agreement between the home country and France, registration of the foreign employer with the French social security administration for payment of the French social security contribution. Evidence must include proof of registration with Centre National Firmes Etrangères (CNFE, Foreign Firms National Center) and Humanis International in the work permit application. However, these documents may not be available for the very first work permit application and clarification may be needed on what other documents may be provided in lieu of the registration certificates, such as a sworn statement from the employer.

Information Required From the Host Company in France

a) For intra-company transferees, the role of the French entity in the corporate group and the date on which the French entity came under control of the group or was formed.

b) Details of the agent representing the foreign employer in France for the purpose of co-coordinating the work permit application, and the entity responsible for paying the government fees.

c) In case of regulated activity, the identity of the regulating body, and proof and details of certification.

d) The monthly or annual gross salary applicable for an equivalent position in the host company (or in the sector of activity in case of international provision of services), excluding any payment-in-kind.

Information and Documents Required From the Employee

a) Copy of initial employment contract or, if not available, copy of the initial employment offer letter.

b) Copy of employment certificates from previous employers proving adequate professional experience (does not apply to intra-company transfers and secondments).

As noted above, starting January 1, 2015, work permit applications must be made on new forms. Work permits issued by the authorities before this date remain valid.

As some of the requirements may be difficult to fulfill immediately or in a timely manner, adjustments may be made during an interim period. Stay tuned.