On June 1, ABIL presented a webinar on Global Immigration Compliance. In the current global business environment, the world is increasingly connected and companies are sending their employees across country boundaries more than ever. There are various issues to take into account when doing business overseas. Multiple countries have tightened their regulations for foreign employees and business travel, and it is crucial to be aware of any implications from the beginning.

This webinar helps to guide professionals involved in global mobility to be assure compliance when sending employees to another country. Some of the questions covered are:

  • What does an employer need to do in each country prior to hiring a worker – both domestic and foreign national?
  • What are the penalties if an employer does not comply, or hires an undocumented worker?
  • Are there any verification procedures or programs to provide incentives for compliance?
  • What are the penalties, if any, for non-compliance?

PRESENTERS: Robert Loughran, U.S. (moderator) – Jacqueline Bart, Canada – Bernard Caris, Belgium – Laura Devine, United Kingdom – Gunther Mävers, Germany

PURCHASE THE WEBINAR: You will receive a file with the PowerPoint presentation, relevant articles and resources as well as a recording of the webinar for $40 USD.

To purchase, click here.
